Akothee talked openly about her traumatic upbringing and subsequent underage marriage after dropping out of school.

At the age of 14, while still a student, the contentious singer wed her first spouse, Jared Okello.
At the age of 14, she had her first child, and by the time she was 17, she had already given birth to four children. Because she lacked the funds to take her newborn son to the hospital, he passed away in the streets of Awendo town.
“I had only 3 children but I had dropped 4 in my 10 years of marriage, one passed on at 8 months. I didn’t have money to take him to the hospital early enough, or maybe it was God’s time,” Akothee shared via Instagram post.
The mother of five recently discussed how she annoyed her mother with instances of disobedience when she was a child.
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“I made a fool out of my mom, I made her a fool in Infront of her workmates, colleagues and the community. I ran away from school with all my belongings, I went to get married at 14. I was her Firstborn intelligent daughter. I was a stubborn rebellious child. My schoolmates from Nyabisawa Girls can tell you.
I loved dancing and I nicknamed myself Yondo sister. In my village, I was number one to go dancing. There was THUM OUTA that could not allow me to sleep. I would Escape even without eating.
I was just a music lover and a dancer, nothing more. But trust me, the fundamental of Christianity and the upbringing my mom instilled in me is what has kept me who I am.
My mom was a no-nonsense mother, she still canes me until now, Mrs. Kokeyo hapana tambua kitu. Can you imagine I still tremble to introduce my new lover to her, yeye anatambua tu baba Vesha,” Akothee wrote.
The controversial singer claimed that her mother was adamant about making sure she finished her secondary school.
She disclosed that her mother tried everything to get her to school, including taking her to the police and giving her contraceptives after giving birth to her first child.
Although Akothee was sent back to school, she became pregnant once more, leading to the birth of a second child, disappointing her mother.
“My mom had so many hopes for me, I made her cry, humiliated her so much, and disappointed her sana sana. She took me to several police stations just to get me back to school.
The first contraceptive I used were pills given to me by my mom after I gave birth to Vesha. She also felt the family I was going to settle for was not what she wanted. But AKOTHEE NI NANI TENA?
“She took me back to school in Asego Kanyada, Akoth na mba tena After term one.”