Madonna was hospitalised with a case of serious bacterial infection placing her in the intensive care unit.
Her talent manager and producer, Guy Oseary, shared this about the sixty-four-year-old artist, material girl star’s condition:
On Saturday, June 24, Madonna developed a serious bacterial infection which led to a several day stay in the ICU. Her health is improving, however she is still under medical care. A full recovery is expected. At this time, we will need to pause all commitments, which includes the tour, we will share more details with you soon as we have them, including a new start date for the tour and for rescheduled shows.
The Celebration tour was to mark forty years of her music career that was to start in Vancouver on July 15.

In a press release, the pop artist said: “I am excited to explore as many songs as possible in hopes to give my fans the show they have been waiting for.”
In 2020, Madonna was hospitalised after undergoing hip surgery due to an injury in 2019.
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According to sources, Madonna was kicking and screaming because she did not want to go to the hospital. While at the hospital she was reportedly hooked up to a ventilator with tubes running to her lungs. She apparently had a high fever for a month before this incident.
Madonna did not want to be hospitalised and so ignored the many signs of her poor health because she was all systems go for her upcoming tour.
The pop artist is currently back home in New York under medical care.