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The Quality Matters of Carbohydrates in the body

whole grain meal

Carbohydrates, along with lipids and proteins, are crucial components of our daily diet because they give the body glucose, which is then transformed into energy for supporting biological activities and physical activity. All three are regularly needed by our bodies to maintain wellness.


Many people are confused about carbs, but it’s vital to remember that eating carbohydrates from nutritious meals is more crucial than adhering to a rigid diet that restricts or counts the grams of carbohydrates taken.

How to incorporate healthy carbohydrates into your diet

Start the day with whole grains
Try a hot cereal like steel cut or old-fashioned oats (not instant oatmeal) or a chilled cereal with reduced sugar content and a whole grain listed as the first ingredient. A good general guideline is to select cereals with at least 4 grams of fiber and no more than 8 grams of sugar per serving.

Choose whole fruit instead of juice.
In comparison to a 12-ounce glass of orange juice, an orange contains twice as much fiber and only half as much sugar.

Bring on the beans and skip the potatoes.
Choose beans for a great supply of slowly digested carbohydrates rather than filling up on potatoes, which have been known to encourage weight gain. A good source of protein is also found in beans and other legumes like chickpeas.

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Use whole grain bread for lunch or snacks

Uncertain about where to find whole-grain bread? Look for bread that has whole wheat, whole rye, or another whole grain listed as the first ingredient. Even better, choose a loaf that is made entirely of whole grains, like 100 percent whole wheat bread.

Additionally, look past the bread aisle
Finely milled flour is frequently used to make whole wheat bread, and bread products are frequently heavy in sodium. Try a whole grain salad made from quinoa or brown rice as an alternative to bread.


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