Tanzania President Suluhu reintroduces Big-Bellied Police to Fitness Training

Samia Suluhu reintroduces Big-Bellied Police to training

Tanzania President Samia Suluhu Hassan has decided to put her country’s police officers on a fitness journey, ordering all the big-bellied to return to training.

Not satisfied with the performance of police officers in comparison to their body sizes, she said that in order for policemen to perform better at work, their belly fat should be reduced.

“As I was inspecting the parade, I noticed those leading the march were veteran officers and among them were big-bellied officers. I have seen big bellies,

“We are not supposed to have officers with big bellies,” she expressed during remarks made to commemorate the completion of officer training in Tanga’s Boma Kichaka Miba.

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According to Citizen Digital, Ms. Suluhu stated that the lower the body fat percentage, the more flexible the officers will be.

“They should come back here (for training) so that they shed them off and be swift again in executing their duties,” she added.

This comes months after she fired the country’s Inspector General of Police before sending him to Zimbabwe as an envoy, citing his poor human rights record.

Ms. Suluhu took over the presidency after President John Pombe Magufuli died in March of last year.

Suluhu was named one of Time Magazine’s “100 Most Influential People of 2022 in May.

During the recent Presidential elections, Tanzanians and Ugandans expressed surprise at the level of freedom enjoyed by Kenyans throughout this election period.

In contrast, the two neighboring countries are well-known for enforcing internet and social media bans or shutdowns during election seasons.

“I am shocked to see Kenyans active on Twitter during the election period. Why do they have their internet?” asked a Ugandan sarcastically.

Citizens from both countries expressed their surprise on Twitter, comparing their voting rights to Kenya’s, not just complaining about Internet shutdowns during their elections, but also being surprised at how fair the elections in Kenya are.

“Kenya Wanachagua Wanayemtaka Bila Rais Kuwatishia? Inawezekanaje? Sisi Bongo Rais Anasimama Anasema Mkimchagua Fulani Hapa Sijengi Barabara, Hapa Sileti Maji, Hapa Sijengi Hospital e.t.c .. Tukiwa Wakubwa Tunataka Kuwa Kama Kenya!!” exclaimed Ole with a hint of sarcasm.

Some individuals even questioned if Kenya is truly in Africa, stating that the freedom enjoyed by this country is beyond their comprehension.

The country’s surprise comes after a string of violent elections and allegations of voter fraud.

The late President John Magufuli switched off the internet and social media hours before his victory was confirmed.

Furthermore, opinion polls are prohibited under Tanzanian legislation.

“Kenya Waandishi Wa Habari Wanaruhusiwa Kuingia Kwenye Polling Station Na Kuonyesha Live Kinachoendelea?” asked surprised Ole.

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