State-controlled electricity distributor Kenya Power has
appointed Geoffrey Waswa Muli as acting Managing Director, replacing Rosemary Oduor who has acted in that capacity since August last year.
Oduor was appointed as an acting managing director following
the resignation of Bernard Ngugi.
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In a statement made on May 10, 2022, the company said the
appointment is effective from May 17, 2022, onward. According to the statement signed by the company secretary, Waswa will take over from Oduor, who goes on annual leave.

“The appointment of Geoffrey Waswa Muli as acting MD
takes effect on May 17,” Kenya Power’s statement reads in part.The company is yet to appoint a substantive managing director.
since the resignation of Barnard Ngugi is an unclear factor.
Meanwhile, the power company has been domiciled with
mismanagement allegations that resulted in lowering its profitability.
However, the degree takes place following the recent December
12, 2021, presidential speech at Uhuru Garden. Uhuru emphasised that the
pathway to reducing electricity cost to 30% is on the course, though took place in two tranches of 15% each.
The Independent Power Producers (IPPs) have already
implemented 15 perfect cuts that took effect early this year.
Last year, the Independent Power Producers reported a net
profit of Sh3.82 billion for a span of six months to December 2021, a huge
improvement from the Sh138.36 million it made over a similar retro in 2020.
Geoffrey Muli has been the Acting General Manager in charge
of Regional Coordination until his appointment to lead the utility firm
temporarily on Tuesday.
Eng. Muli holds a Master of Business Administration, a
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and is currently pursuing a PhD in Business Administration.
He is a Registered Professional Engineer with the Engineers
Board of Kenya (EBK) and a Corporate Member of the Institute of Engineers of Kenya (IEK)