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Police Raid Church Selling Bhang During Services

Police officers found approximately 26 sacks stuffed with bhang worth Ksh 6 million in a church located at Ongata Rongai, Kajiado County. According to the police, the operation was conducted after the members of the public tipped them off.

A photo of sacks of bhang seized by DCI on Sunday, October 15, 2023 

From the raid, the police managed to trace the bhang from different hidden parts of the premises. They were able to arrest a few culprits from the scene, while others managed to escape.

” Strangely, we have learnt that this church is selling bhang to its congregants. We have captured a number of suspects, but the major culprits are on the run,” police stated.

Some pastors, staff and congregants who were found by the police managed to escape from them. Consequently, the police mentioned that they had launched a manhunt for their arrest.

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According to the detective, they found a gunny bag filled with stones, equating how much weight they managed to get of the bhang. He equally mentioned that the congregants were using the term ‘stones’ in place of bhang. They suspected that the people in the church were actually drug addicts masquerading as congregants or worshippers.

Other Activities by the church

This church was equally accused of selling stolen property such as furniture and electronics. Those arrested were allegedly caught while slaughtering a goat to celebrate a successful and well-coordinated night operation of raiding homes and stealing property.

The bhang was documented by the police as an exhibit to be presented in court during the arraignment. In addition to that, the detectives mentioned that the suspects be denied bail due to the extent of the operation.

” We know that these suspects work in cahoots with residents, but we applaud concerned members of the public who raised the alarm. We will liaise with them to track the church attendees who are well-known in society,” the detective stated.

There has been an influx of cases where the police find vehicles transporting illegal drugs in the country. This is inclusive of the drugs that were found at the airport. What is most alarming is that the drugs are being nabbed at high and alarming quantities. Does this mean there’s an official crackdown on the drug cartels?

Read Also: Police Nab Drugs Worth Ksh 9 Million at JKIA

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