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Reckless Shooting of Demonstrators

Shooting of Demonstrators

The demonstrations have shifted from an initial focus on peace to a current state of protest escalating into a battleground between protestors and the police.

The battles have continued with goons infiltrating the protests, posing as protesters and disrupting businesses, leading to significant losses for business owners.

The Tuesday demonstration turned into a shooting range, resulting in a K24 media house journalist being shot in the leg while on duty. This raises concerns about the safety of individuals in the hands of the Kenyan police, given the presence of stray bullets.

The common citizen’s safety is no longer assured by the authorities sworn to protect them. Tuesday’s demonstrations disrupted the Kenyan working class’s ability to reach work.

With work no longer in the picture, my day took a relaxed turn until a stray bullet pierced my kitchen window, narrowly missing me. It made me reflect on the careless police shooting.

Reckless shootings have led to multiple deaths in the country, and I am not the only one who has experienced such encounters.

The use of abductions to instil fear, a tactic also employed by the police, has prompted Kenyans to urge the government to address the issue. The National Human Rights Commission is calling for accountability for the killings in the country.

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