So many questions have been asked regarding why the Kenya Police are being sent out to cool things down in Haiti. It is almost as if Kenyans have very little faith in their own national security unit. All in all, the doubt in Kenyans speaks volumes. Do Kenyans doubt the National Police’s performance against that of the heavily armed gangs in Haiti? Or do Kenyans doubt the President’s motive for sending out Kenyan troops to Haiti.
Nonetheless, on matters weaponry, Kenyans should worry not. Let it be assumed that the United Nations will move heavens and earth to ensure that our troops are armed to the teeth, 24/7. However, it is the technical part that Kenyans should be worried about. Apparently, the government is allegedly sending out National Police Service Officers and not Soldiers from the Kenya Army. The former are trained to maintain law and order, but the latter are trained to restore law and order. What exactly does Haiti need between the two and what is the plan for our beloved Police officers?
Beloved readers, there is hope! With enough prayers and support, there is no result the Kenya Police cannot achieve. Let it not be forgotten that not long ago, this very unit allegedly successfully massacred their own unarmed brothers and sisters from the Lake-side Region. What would they not do to the very bad strangers from Haiti, who are armed and who are ready to kill any moving thing on their grounds? Regardless, we ought to stand with them as a nation and endlessly hope and pray for their success. This is despite Kenyans not knowing the root cause of the unrest in Haiti and who benefits most from the death of these gangs.

Nonetheless, a short trip down memory lane also reveals that this is not the first time, nor the second, that Kenyan troops are being sent out to fight a war they know nothing about. According to reports, it is actually the “success” of these former missions that helped Kenyan troops gain global recognition. The Kenya Defense Forces have been deployed to Somali for approximately a decade now, yet, the Al-Shabaab continue to rain havoc on Lamu residents. Lamu residents have been forced to run into hiding, while some are putting up in IDP camps in their own country. But no, in the spirit of “Pan-Africanism” and “United Nationalism” Kenyans are standing with their brothers from Haiti.
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In 2007, Kenya was on the brink of a genocide due to post-elections violence. However, the most significant thing the United Nations did to help Kenya was send a mediator, after the killings had cooled down. Just when does the United Nations intervene? And why? Nonetheless, let us not be blinded by tales about the “success” of the KDF in Sierra Leone or DRC back in the day. Let us also not be fooled about the “success” of the KDF soldiers in Somali. The war in Somali against the KDF is far from being won and Kenyans are still losing their brothers on a daily basis.
The war in DRC was only “won” because leaders from Uganda, DRC and Rwanda sat down and decided that they would each benefit more from peace. Kenyan and Burundian troops lost so many men fighting the war in DRC. Aside from that, only God knows what would have happened to the Kenyan troops in Sierra Leone, had the villagers not began selling out Foday Sankoh’s operations and hideouts. This came after the UN had threatened to wipe out the entire village in which Kenyan soldiers were being held hostage by Sankoh and his militia group.
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Dear Kenyans, Haiti is not going to be a walk in the park. Neither is it going to be something similar to what we see in the movies, definitely not a quick “in and out” mission. However, since it is alleged that Kenya Forces are Israeli trained, making them a crème de la crème of sorts, we can only hope for the best and prepare for the worst. On the bright side, if what they say is true, and if Kenyan troops took their training seriously, then the gangs in Haiti should soon be soiling their pants.