Taliban Bans Women From Visiting National Park in Afghanistan


Women will not be permitted to enter one of Afghanistan’s most well-liked national parks in the country, according to the Taliban. 

As part of its most recent attack against women’s rights, the Taliban said that it will prohibit them from accessing the Band-e-Amir National Park in the nation’s central Bamiyan province. The Taliban has insisted that security personnel are going to stop women trying to access the national park.

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Following his visit to the area, Minister Mohammad Khalid Hanafi claimed that ladies were not appropriately wearing the hijab at the park. Adding to that, he also said that “going sightseeing is not a must for women” as the reason for the ban against them at the national park.

Women Ban From Afghanistan National Park
Taliban members paddle in a boat in Band-e-Amir. Photo: THE INDEPENDENT

The ban is another in a long line of restrictions placed on women and girls ever since the Taliban regained control in August 2021, 20 years after it was overthrown by American troops. They have implemented several restrictions aimed at Afghan ladies and girls, including banning them from working for local and non-governmental organizations and forbidding Afghan girls from continuing their education past the sixth grade.

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The recent ban has sparked a reaction from human rights activists across the world. Heather Barr, the associate women’s rights director at Human Rights Watch, has condemned the ban saying; ‘Not content with depriving girls of education, employment, and free movement, the Taliban also want to take from them parks and sport and now even nature, as we see from this latest ban on visiting Band-e-Amir’.

Band-e-Amir, which became Afghanistan’s first national park in 2009, is a popular tourist destination. Despite criticism, The Taliban have long maintained that their version of Islamic law and Afghan traditions supports women’s rights.

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