It seems Kenyans did not pay attention on X, formerly known as Twitter, when Maverick Aoko shared her thoughts on nominated Senator, Karen Nyamu so she decided to give it straight on her new Tiktok page.
In light of the release by the Parliamentary Watchdog, which revealed the least active politicians in the house. One of them included Karen Nyamu, who has been making headlines for her fashion choices, dating life and sexual choices.
Maverick shared that Karen was chosen as nominated senator because political parties want to fulfil the gender third rule this end up nominating women who have the wit of a basket, are a politician’s lover, vied and lost or are easy on the eyes.

Maverick however clarified that she was not sharing her opinions due to political reasons or trying to move to Azimio. She added that she even supports Karen Nyamu pro-polygamy shenanigans as she called it and that she thought Karen was a ‘standing’ woman.
Read also: Karen Nyamu shares oral sex tips.
She pointed out that as a member of parliament, if you are known more for scandals and drama outside the chambers, it is a sign you do not belong there.
Maverick shared the reasons why Karen Nyamu cannot debate; Maverick said Karen has the IQ of a Jerboa (a rat found in deserts) and poor public speaking skills (she went ahead to share some videos of Karen Nyamu speaking, proving her point) and went ahead to compare her with Crystal, a nominated Azimio Member of Parliament.
Maverick ends her video by pointing out unlike Karen, Crystal has eloquence and can be taken as highly intelligent compared to Karen. She shares how shocked she is that Karen is trained lawyer yet has poor communication skills.
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