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Murkomen: It Will Cost Over Ksh 700 Million To Repair Mlolongo Express Way

While inspecting the damaged express way on Thursday, Kipchmuba Murkomen pointed out that it will cost Kenyans Ksh. 706.7 million ( 5 million USD) to repair Mlolongo Express Way. The Transport Cabinet Secretary appeared to be agitated beyond, words following the damages caused by protestors.

Transport Cabinet Secretary, Kipchumba Murkomen

On Wednesday, July 12, anti-government protests  resulted in total destruction and vandalism of the toll station. Angry protestors uprooted fences and other valuable items on key Kenyan roads and railway stations during demonstrations. Murkomen stated that more money will be needed to repair other damaged government infrastructure.

There are 3 railway stations that were damaged during yesterday’s demos. We witnessed pre-planned attacks on key infrastructure. They came with equipment to cut copper wires. They targeted materials that they could sell. The damage could be over $5 million on the expressway not adding the damage to the railway stations.

Kipchumba Murkomen, Transport CS

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Mlolongo Express Way after Nationwide anti-government protests that took place on Wednesday. It will cost Kenyans over USD 5 million to restore its glory.

According to Murkomen, not less than 50 people have been arrested in connection with the planned vandalism. With the help of CCTV cameras, more arrests are yet to happen as statistics indicate that this injustice involved approximately 2,000 people.

Fortunately most of them were captured on camera, we have the footage, the police have arrested not less than 50 people in relation to the acts that happened here yesterday but we had almost 2,000 people operating from here. We will do everything humanly possible to ensure that each criminal who was here yesterday is going to be brought to justice.

Kipchumba Murkomen, Transport CS

The Transport Cabinet Secretary also added that, everyone found guilty of partaking in the demolition of public property will bear the burden of paying for the damages. With investigations still underway, the government expects to bring everyone responsible to justice regardless of rank and stature.

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Mlolongo Express Way before Nationwide anti-government protests that took place on Wednesday. It will cost Kenyans over USD 5 million to restore its glory.

We will make sure that all those who organized this targeted attack are going to personally pay. They will carry the liability for every damage that was caused and for every penny that will be paid from the exchequer they will be asked to indemnify the people of Kenya. We will do so by making sure that we arrest and charge everyone who was involved, we will also carry out a civil suit to make sure that all the organizers are held accountable.

Kipchumba Murkomen, Transport CS

Aside from that, Kipchumba Murkomen strongly condemned protestors. He stated that demonstrations will no longer be tolerated and those found taking part will face the full wrath of the law. Hinting on what Azimio leaders said yesterday regarding the on going protests, the Cabinet Secretary said that those were acts of terrorism and threats to Kenyans.

This is not a civilized way to deal with a political issue. We know that there was no political statement being made yesterday but just an act of terrorism to instill fear in Kenyans. The President and the Cabinet will do anything possible to make sure that this behavior is brought to an end. And even those who planned to repeat this act will meet the full force of the law.

Kipchumba Murkomen, Transport CS

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