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Azimio Pleads With MPs to Vote Against the Finance Bill

Azimio leaders plead with Kenya Kwanza MPs to vote against the Finance Bill 2023. They called it an ‘anti-people’ Bill aiming to only hurt citizens. 


In an address with journalists at SKM Command Centre, Nairobi, Azimio leaders expressed their grievances regarding the Bill. They still stand their ground against it saying that no amount of amendments can make the finance bill tolerable to Kenyans.

Azimio leaders stand against Finance Bill
Azimio leaders addressing journalists on the finance bill 2023. PHOTO/Credits

“We now appeal to you the Kenya Kwanza MPs. Knowing that in your heart of hearts, you know this budget is wrong. We urge you to join your Azimio counterparts and stand with the people,” said an Azimio leader.

Among the bones of contention with the bill are; the government’s plans to devolve fewer funds to county governments. We are leaving counties to ask for money to manage devolved functions consistently. Making the counties dependent on the national government.

Moreover, Kenya Kwanza wants to empower the private sector. This will lead to increased growth in the economy and job creation. The finance bill, however, cancels that out. Azimio points out that the finance bill will chase private sectors away due to the high taxation. 

Azimio calls for MPs to vote against finance bill
Azimio leaders standing their ground against finance bill 2023. PHOTO/Credits

Within the speeches, Ms Karua pointed out that Azimio stands with the youth and single mothers. She mentions that the bill is aiming to take away from the most vulnerable groups and not vice versa.

Why Azimio is still against the finance bill

Among other grievances, the Azimio leaders plead for middle-class citizens. They call out Kenya Kwanza who said they want to empower the middle class. Azimio points out however that the bill will weaken instead of strengthen the middle class. Due to high taxation of everything and increased cost of living, the middle class will suffer and end up being wiped out. 

While calling for support from Kenya Kwanza MPs, Azimio leaders call out Kenya Kwanza. Claiming that Kenya Kwanza is divining, stigmatizing and threatening Kenyans into supporting the finance bill. They state the importance of this happening in Mt Kenya and the Central region. In addition to that, they claim that the Kenya Kwanza leaders are grouping youths as Mungikis, drunkards and drug addicts to limit them from participating in denying the bill. 

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With the Kenya Kwanza leaders adamant about passing the bill, Azimio claims there should be a People’s Finance Bill. One that speaks to their needs and wants but still benefits the country. 

” In a nutshell, we believe this country needs and deserves a PEOPLE’S BUDGET. We repeat. We believe in a PEOPLE’S BUDGET. We believe in a rights-based budget… That budget is coming. Kenyans will have a PEOPLE’S BUDGET, ” said one of the Azimio leaders while addressing journalists. 

Read Also: New Proposals for the Finance Bill 2023 amendment


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