Endometriosis: All You Need to Know


Endometriosis is a condition that spreads slowly and gradually in women and girls. And while it can be fatal, it can be treated if detected in time.

Annually, about 10% of women and girls are diagnosed with endometriosis. This condition occurs when the endometrium, (the tissue lining the uterine walls) grows outside of the uterus. Within every menstrual cycle, the uterine endometrium tissue is shed off but since the tissue growing outside the uterus cannot be shed, it builds up into painful cysts.

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Endometriosis occurs in 4 stages depending on how fast the endometrium tissue outside the uterus grows.

There are several causes of endometriosis, among them:

  • Reverse menstruation

This is where the endometrium tissue goes back into the fallopian tube instead of exiting the body normally through menstrual flow.

  • Genetics

Some women and girls contract this disease by association with family members who have suffered from it previously.

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  • Immunity disorder

Poor functioning of the body’s immune system can cause the body to lack knowledge of the growth of the endometrium tissues outside the uterus.

What are the symptoms of endometriosis?

  • Extremely painful period cramps

Cramping is somewhat normal, except when one has endometriosis, cramping begins a week before the actual periods and can extend to the following week. One is also susceptible to abdominal pains.

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Click the video to learn more about Endometriosis
  • Pain during sex

A woman with endometriosis will experience pain and discomfort during or after sexual intercourse.

  • Heavy or irregular periods

Endometriosis also causes some girls to have a menstrual cycle at an early age. (As early as 11 years old). It also causes shorter period cycles, usually less than 27 days.

  • Spotting between menstrual periods
  • Pain during urination or bowel movements while on periods.

Endometriosis is a risk factor linked to infertility in women, especially if it is not diagnosed in time. Aside from that, over time it can lead to ovarian cancer. Though there is no treatment aimed toward a cure for this disease, with early diagnosis, it can be managed.

Endometriosis causes painful period cramps and abdominal pain

Some of the treatments designed for endometriosis are:

  1. Laparoscopy
  2. Laparotomy
  3. Oral contraceptives to control hormones
  4. Pain medications to reduce inflammation.

Overall, endometriosis is not a death sentence. So, in case of these symptoms, stay calm and seek medical advice.

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