Controversial televangelist Pastor Kanyari suspects that he has more children besides the two he had with his former wife. He thinks the Home DNA test will be doing him good for he will be able to find his children.
He speculates that he has children because he said that he has a dark past. Before he was saved he dated a lot of women and he had not followed up after he was saved.
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“In my earlier days, I dated many girls and I would request for them to do this home test and confirm their paternity Most women have children who have not been fathered by their husbands, while husbands have children outside the marriages,” Pastor Kanyari said.

Pastor Kanyari, later on, acknowledged that their adults would like to know who their father is and recommended the DNA home testing that is available for only 800 ksh.
The DNA Home kit is only used to collect DNA samples. One has to send the collected DNA samples to the laboratory so they can be tested and after some days one gets their results back through email.
The home DNA kit cost 800ksh as testing in the laboratory costs more. This also depends on if one is doing the testing in a public or private facility. The private facilities will cost more than the public facilities.
The cost ranges from 10,000 to 25,000, as the results are kept confidential and are sent to your e-mail within 3-10 business days depending on the severity of the situation.
Pastor Kanyari supports this and would like to confirm if he fathered some children besides his two children with Betty Bayo.
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