There are some very awkward moments that one experiences when there are in a matatu, it is impossible to determine what to do.
Using a matatu to commute is an ordinary thing in Kenya. When matatus can give you so many experiences, both positive and negative, it is impossible to avoid those uncomfortable moments. Here are some weird circumstances almost all can relate to when using a matatu.

- Small talks with strangers.
There is always that one person who is fond of making conversation with the people next to them in a matatu. More often than not, they will say something about the weather, or how cramped up the matatu is just to get you talking. Then, there’s this breed that will take it a notch higher and ask for your number. Well, it is not entirely bad considering some people have met their soulmates like that, but boy is it uncomfortable. You can only hope the conversation does not come with an intolerable breath.
Read also: What people deal with when using Kenyan matatus

- The neighbor with the kids
While kids are a blessing, sometimes sitting with a person who has kids can be overwhelming. Especially if they are toddlers. You do not know whether to scream at the mum, the child, or the world once that baby starts with the tantrums. It is even worse when these kids start touching you or your stuff but you cannot react because you are trying to look like a good person so that the mum doesn’t go bluffing about how people these days treat children like prisoners.
- Asking the tout for change
If this isn’t a headache already. It is ironic how you have to worry about whether the tout will give you your change back and how to ask for it. Those signs they put up on the windows, ‘kulipa ni lazima, change utangoja’ intimidate so much they will make you refrain from asking for your own money, because dare you try, it will be the end of you.
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- The annoying ‘Sambazas’
There is nothing more embarrassing than getting into a Mathree just to find all the seats occupied. You are left with no choice but to get comfortable on that small wooden replica of a seat. It is even more humbling when you decided to put more effort into your looks that day.
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Matatus can give you experiences that are very hard to forget. While they may at times be uncomfortable, we would take it anyway because matatus are after all our pride.