Chinese Technicians Applies Technology in Rural Farming

At a remote Control Center, Technicians are Operating a Smart Farming System. Modern Information Technologies allow them to Implement Precision Agriculture.

In a statement, the Technicians at the Control Center said that the smart farming system was launched in order to relieve experience and the amount of labor, and our Production costs were larger, but now the Data has become more accurate. It can help us decide the amount of Pesticide and Water used on a Farm.

FOOTAGE:At a remote Control Center, Technicians are Operating a Smart Farming System. Modern Information Technologies allow them to Implement Precision Agriculture.


At Rural Agricultural Farms, using onsite Actuators Technicians at the modern Agricultural Park can remotely start or stop Irrigation, missing, or other types of systems crucial for Farming. The Agricultural Park Covers an area of 1000 hectares.

PHOTO/COURTESY: A technician controling a drone at a Sunflower Plantation.

With the assistance of Fiber Optics and 5G Internet Services, it involves 28 Smart Farming. They are operated using Monitoring Systems for things like Soil Plum Diseases, and Pests. Drones are used to help collect data on soil quality, moisture, and other data related to crop planning.

PHOTO/COURTESY:China Applies Modern Technology in Rural Areas Farming.

“Although there are already many 5G base Stations, in the Park, we will make efforts to achieve full coverage soon. We will also combine 5G Technology with Virtual reality, extended reality, metaverse, and other scenes, so as to integrate things here with gaming and make it more interesting and interactive’’, said the Technicians at the remote control center.


China Telecom, a State-owned Telecommunication Company has been working to upgrade the Information Technology provided to the Agricultural Park and the Neighboring Communities.

Read Also:Farmers in Tanzania Are Venturing into Greenhouses

With Improved Infrastructure. China’s Rural and Urban Areas have enjoyed equally fast Internet that has helped Promote fast expanding Information Consumption in the Countryside.

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