The Mkenya Daima Initiative non-partisan multi- stakeholders have warned politicians from using dangerous rhetoric in public rallies and campaign trails that might plunge the country into violence.
Speaking in Nairobi during a peace forum in Nairobi, Mkenya Daima Secretariat Chairperson, Vimal Shah urged those vying for different political seats to put Kenya first.

“Please we need Kenya after August 9, elections and to guarantee this we must all ensure that we have peaceful elections and smooth transitions at national and county levels delivered through free, fair, and credible elections.” Comments Vimal Shah.
The chairperson also reminded the presidential candidates of the Mkenya Daima Leadership and Peace Pledge and the Peace and Accountability Charter by the National Cohesion and Integration Commission, which demands politicians to commit themselves and their supporters to upholding peace and accountability in their electioneering conduct before, during and after the elections.
Mr Shah “Being signatories to these two documents, it is incumbent that Presidential Candidates and all others also adhere to the commitments contained in them. In addition, many other leaders have signed the Leadership & Peace Pledge including the Boda Boda leaders, Youth Leaders and Mkenya Daima leaders.”
Mkenya Daima’s rallying call of “Nitatenda Wajibu Wangu”, which incorporates “Kukagua Kabla ya Kuchagua”, “Kupiga Kura” na “Kudumisha Amani”
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“We, therefore, call upon all citizens to stand up for Kenya and to take responsibility to seek out and elect transformative leaders who stand the test of leadership at every level on August 9, 2022 and thereafter maintain peace by going back home to await the results to be announced by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).” Shah pleaded.
For the 2022 general election, Mkenya Daima’s focus areas are Accountable Leadership, Fair Competition, and overall Public Safety.
This year’s elections come at a time when all economies are reeling from the effects of 2 years of the COVID19 Pandemic, and all are working towards rebuilding economies.
It’s also a time when Kenya and the Horn of Africa are undergoing the worst drought in 40 years. The Ukraine – Russia war has led to high food, fuel, and fertilizer prices. It is therefore important that elections do not add to the high cost of living that is being felt worldwide and here at home.