Stephen Letoo: All men are polygamists

Given that males are typically polygamous, television political journalist Stephen Letoo has urged women to make sure they put in the work and are a man’s first option.All men are polygamous. As a woman, you must work hard to be his first choice,’’ he said.

The gifted news reporter also mentioned that he preferred a polygamous union since he has a polygamous father, grandparents, and brothers.

‘I’ll be letting my family down if I don’t become one’. Letoo said.

Many wives find it difficult tolerating or accepting their husbands’ polygamy. Some societies still support the notion of a man having multiple wives. Stephen, who is of Maasai descent, believes that since his people also practice polygamy, he should continue the tradition as well.

According to reports, the senior reporter for Citizen TV and his wife Winnie Nadupoi separated last year. Their separation, according to media reports, began when Letoo traveled without Winnie to Mombasa to celebrate his birthday.

In 2014, President Uhuru Kenyatta officially recognized the polygamy practice in the country by signing the legislation into law.

Despite objections from female members who stormed out of the late-night session in March, the bill was approved by Parliament.

The original version of the measure gave the first wife the power to veto the husband’s choice of any subsequent wives. Male lawmakers were successful in getting that section removed.

“Marriage is the voluntary union of a man and a woman whether in a monogamous or polygamous union,” Kenyatta said in a statement. “The Marriage Act 2014 defines various types of marriages including monogamous, polygamous, customary, Christian, Islamic and Hindu marriages.”

Although polygamous relationships are permitted by law, there is no set restriction on the number of wives a man may have.

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