Weird Things Students do During Online Classes

In this modern day, learning from classrooms with chalkboards has transformed into online spaces. These days with the emergence of apps like zoom and google meet, online classes take place at any time and at any place.


However, despite of online classes being beneficial sometimes to both the learner and the teacher. The change of not being able to see what students do can trigger learners to do inappropriate things behind the screen.

Some of the weird things students do during online classes include:

Multitasking chores and studies

This is one of the most common things some students do during online classes.

For instance, a student may be attending a class on google meet, then during the class they turn off their camera and start washing dishes or cleaning the house.

The aim of this maybe to make the teacher or lecturer think that they were in class.

Also some students may also try and listen to the lecturer or teacher while doing their assignments.

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Dress inappropriately

This is also mostly common with online meetings. Especially during the pandemic, some people were caught unaware dressed in half suit and half shorts or inner gears.

This incidences were funny but costly to some, as it is against the code of ethics.

Also this trend has been taken up by students during online classes as some dressing in their pajamas, while others take the chance to express their personal styles through their virtual appearances.

These personal styles may include putting on fancy hats or very colorful sweaters or shirts, that may create attention among the students.

Forget they are in an online class

Sometimes, there are students who totally forget they are in an online class, thus they end up forgetting to put off the camera and start listening to music or watch short videos on TikTok.

Such incidences become embarrassing especially when the spotlight comes to the student and the class is quiet.

Also there may be other incidences like family interruptions, where a parent may scold their child in front of the camera not knowing that they are in a class.

This mostly happens in African homes, where some parents may think that their child is just watching videos and memes on their phones.

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