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Focus on Being The Chosen One Instead of The Only One

The world has a population of approximately 8 billion people and expecting to be the only one in anything is absolutely sick. Human beings need to be reminded of the significance of being the chosen one over the only one. The flex of being the chosen one is that it is not solely dependent on the decisions of another person.


Individualism is a trait that adds a lot of strain on matters, be it in relationships or even at workplaces. Here is why you ought to choose yourself first and work towards being chosen by others. After all, competing with oneself is easier than competing with billions. The therapist might have said that you are unique but that doesn’t make you the only person.

Focus on Being The Chosen One Instead of The Only One.
Focus on Being The Chosen One Instead of The Only One. Photo| The Independent

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The Power of Being the Chosen One

  • Community and Collaboration

Choosing to be the chosen one implies that you are part of a group, a team, or a community. Even in relationships and most especially in relationships. It means you have been selected over others for a specific role or purpose. This fosters collaboration, shared goals, and the opportunity to learn from and support each other.

  • Mentorship and Growth

When you are chosen, it often comes with the guidance and mentorship of those who have recognized your potential. Being the only one can lead to isolation. However, being the chosen one provides opportunities for personal growth and development through the wisdom and experience of others.

Focus on Being The Chosen One Instead of The Only One.
Focus on Being The Chosen One Instead of The Only One. Photo| The Independent
  • Shared Responsibility

Being chosen to work with others for a common cause distributes responsibility among the group. This shared responsibility helps distribute the burden and ensure that no single person is overwhelmed. It fosters a sense of collective ownership and accountability.

  • Resilience and Support

In challenging times, being part of a chosen people can provide a support system that is invaluable. The sense of belonging and shared experiences can strengthen individuals and the group as a whole, making it easier to overcome obstacles. This mostly portrays itself in situations of friendships.

The Downside of Striving to Be the Only One

  • Isolation

Striving to be the only one often leads to isolation and loneliness. The pressure to constantly stand out can be mentally and emotionally exhausting. It can also lead to feelings of disconnection from others. Aside from that, it is also overwhelming for the individual or group on the receiving end of this “competition.”

  • Unrealistic Expectations

The pursuit of being the only one can create unrealistic expectations. It’s impossible to be the best at everything, and this constant striving for perfection can lead to frustration and disappointment.

Focus on Being The Chosen One Instead of The Only One.
Focus on Being The Chosen One Instead of The Only One. Photo| The Independent
  • Competitiveness

The sole pursuit of individuality can breed unhealthy competitiveness. This is where people see others as rivals rather than collaborators. Such can hinder progress and create a hostile environment.

  • Lack of Mentorship

Without being chosen, individuals may miss out on the valuable guidance and mentorship that often come with being part of a team or community. The absence of experienced mentors can slow down personal growth and development.

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Understanding that there is only one you in the universe is powerful but weakness creeps in when the strife to be the only one overrides uniqueness. There is honor in being chosen as it comes with a sense of difference, contribution, and purpose.


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