KRG the Don: I Only Have 3 wives and 4 Biological Kids

KRG the Don has clarified to his fans in an interview that he only has three wives and four biological children.

During an interview on Cooler Kula Show with Oga Obinna, the father of four made it clear to the public when living that he only has three wives. The musician felt the need to say it live due to his lifestyle.

KRG the Don in his luxurious home.PHOTO CREDIT

His words were he loves spending his money the best way he knows. KRG emphasized he prefers his space to be among beautiful pretty ladies for the fan of it.

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KRG mentioned that whenever a deal goes through, he finds time to appreciate himself. The millionaire said he cares for and loves all his wives and his kids who are always his priority.

The star added that his lifestyle gives him the right to provide better education for his kids.KRG the Don mentioned he pays Ksh 2.8 million for his kid’s education per term.

His goal is to provide the best education for his kids and one that isn’t similar to what he got.

KRG The Don and son
KRG The Don and son Naville.PHOTO CREDIT

The father of four also added that the least amount of money he spends a day is Ksh 100,000 and more than Ksh 1 million depending on what he spends.

The Show with Oga Obinna and the Millionaire was hilarious as the star spoke his mind and what he felt needed to be clarified concerning his wives and children.

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