NHIF shifts the blame for delay of payment 

While hospitals blame NHIF for not remitting funds, NHIF shifts the blame on the National government for delay in payment as well. 

The lack of remittance of funds to hospitals has caused an uproar in hospitals and with citizens. Those that benefited from NHIF are being turned away by hospitals. Many are now seeking healthcare services using other health insurance or cash payments. 

NHIF shifts the blame to Nataional Government
NHIF shifts the blame for delay of payment. PHOTO/Courtesy.

While this might work for the more privileged in society, those in rural areas suffer the consequences. Upon the introduction of NHIF, many benefitted either fully, or by having their bills subsidised. This made it easier for everyone to access healthcare at an affordable cost. 

With the current situation, many benefits of the NHIF card are being turned away and not getting treatment. This leaves them bedridden in their homes while in pain and some of them outside hospitals hopeless.

While this happens, NHIF has shifted the blame to National governments and county governments. They say that the government has failed to remit billions deducted from civil servants every month. They also blame private facilities for billing patients for services not rendered and also inflating the bills to hurt the insurer. 

NHIF goes on to say that the National government and county government are allegedly diverting billions to private hospitals. This comes after they supposedly offer tenders to private hospitals and not the insurer. With this, they stand to lose over Ksh 20 billion rendering them unable to maintain their services. 

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While NHIF places blame on other institutions, hospitals still cry about their lack of remittance. This comes after the Kenya Association of Private Hospitals expressed their concerns to them. Their lack of remittance makes rendering services unsustainable and unreliable to the patients. 

Not so long ago, the Cabinet Secretary, Susan Nakhumicha, said that the government is too broke to remit money deducted from civil servants. This enforces the blame placed by NHIF that is limiting them from getting the funds necessary to remit to hospitals. 

Amid all this blame game, the underprivileged patients still continue to be the casualties.

Read Also: NHIF Recipients in Rural areas to pay cash

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