Ladies: Here Are Men To Run Away From Early

Men are naturally wired to be protectors and providers. Every ladies desire a full package of a man responsible, courageous, strong, kind, loving, and with great leadership abilities. Unless you find a good man don’t settle for the less, ‘I should find you home, I will slap…, I used all my money to bet and for drinks, don’t cry here’ type. Run away early.

Some people call these characters’ traits sickness. I call them Infectious Reactive Coping Mechanisms. The streets are dirty, men can embarrass, and women will use and drain you well.

There are many types of men to run away from, but here are a few of the most common:

Men who are controlling or abusive. Most abusive men, have been abused at a certain stage of their lives and have not healed, therefore narrowing their worldview of life to controlling and being abusive. These men may try to control your behavior, who you see, or what you do. They may also be verbally or physically abusive. These types of men are dangerous and tolerating them makes you their forever victim.

Emotionally unavailable men. These types of men from the nature of their being unavailable may become very careless, and irresponsible and therefore limiting their connection to their partner. It also takes them to understand and listen effectively. These men may be unable to express their emotions or may be emotionally distant. They may also be unwilling to commit to a relationship. If you are a lady and looking to connect deeper with a man, this type should not be on your bucket list.

Men who are dishonest or manipulative. Most people will say men are dishonest. I will say men become honest, the moment they love one entirely and are fulfilled. These men may lie to you, cheat on you, or try to control you by using guilt or manipulation.

Men who are immature or irresponsible. These men may not be able to handle the responsibilities of a relationship. They may also be irresponsible with their finances or their time. Having an immature man may deny one to leave fully since everything usually turns into a case with the type of man.
Also read :Men: Here are Ladies To Run Away From Early

Men who have a history of violence or addiction. These men are more likely to repeat their past behaviors especially when they are not healed and are triggered. Some opt for addiction once they have no clear way to handle a situation. They are very draining, you have to be looking out for them at all times.

Men are great and good people. Men change and are always willing to improve and be better. Men sprout in places and environments of appreciation. No matter the challenge. There are very good gentlemen out here. Ensure to fall for the right one. As we all know, these relationship streets are not for the faint-hearted.

Disclaimer, if you are the ‘I better cry in lavish than be happy in scarcity’ type this will not help you. Research has proven you can endure anything to see the money.

Don’t be a toxic man

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