Church has become the new safe haven

Has the Church become the new safe haven amid the high cost of living? There has been an influx of people in churches all around the country since the economic situation became dire. Many of them are seeking ‘miracles’ in this hard time. 

Many people, those believing in God and those that do not have been going to church to seek respite in this Economic Times. Some are going to pray for provision, others for marriages and most of them, for a new government that cares for them.

new safe haven regardless of Shakahola crisis
Bodies found in Shakahola PHOTO/Credits

According to the demographics released in 2019, 85% of Kenya’s population is made up of Christians, with 33.4 % protestants, 20.6% Catholics and 20.4% Evangelicals. The rest are African Instituted Churches. 

People are in a race to find hope during a time when there seems to be none. We have more people going to churches to seek healing than people going to hospitals since they don’t have the finances to pay the hospital bills. 

NHIF is to be increased, food prices to go up, taxation on fuel is to be increased and middle-class people to be made poorer. In the midst of all of these, Kenyans are seeking hope where they can find it because they cannot find it in their government. 

Read Also: Kenyan Religious Leaders Have Come Together to Condemn Shakhola Disgrace

New Safe Haven or New cults to come up

While this is happening, people are wondering whether there will be an influx of religions and churches in this new era. Churches now seem like a more lucrative business than any other because they are not being taxed whereas even small start-ups are going to be taxed if the finance bill 2023 is passed.

The sick, hopeless, blind, poor and dumb are seen going through church gates every Sunday. More and more of them stepped to the pulpit to seek prayers from the preachers and leaders. There is an influx in the race for hope and solutions and many want to find it in churches. 

In relation to this, the people in Shakahola under Pastor Mckenzie’s leadership, had the same intentions as people do now. They were too hopeless to continue living and opted for a doctrine they could easily believe. Will the poor economic situation in the country and the high cost of living lead people into more cults or will the churches still maintain their purity?

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