Green flags to look out for in a relationship

Green flags

Most of us have experienced the worst sides of a relationship, that we sometimes fail to notice green flags that indicate a healthy romantic relationship.

Nobody is perfect. That is the one thing we can all agree on as human beings. So, even as we strive to have happy ever afters, the red flags are signs we cannot and should not ignore in any relationship. Ironically though, these days people are so fixated on the bad aspects to a partner while you should be paying attention to the green flags. Similar to traffic lights, green means that you are safe to stay in the said relationship.

Here are green flags that are signs you are in the right direction as a couple:

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  • Consistent communication

The funny thing is, we always want partners who communicate and express themselves consistently, but when we get them we start to question the motives behind it. If your partner is effective at the communication thing, do not self-sabotage. Thank the heavens and move on swiftly.

Green flags
File/Courtesy: Do not sabotage your relationship because you are scared of how your partner always communicates their feelings to you
  • They always involve you in their plans.

When your partner constantly asks if you want to do things with them, that is a green flag right there. He/she is always telling you of their whereabouts, their plans for the day, activities, and so on. This means they want you to be a part of their life and daily routines, which is an indicator of commitment.

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  • They are supportive

Showing and receiving support from your partner shows that the relationship is healthy and worth staying in. Unless your activities put either of you at risk, that support goes a long way. Otherwise, you are free to move on to greener pastures… (pun intended)

Green flags
File/Courtesy: Getting support from your partner shows the relationship is healthy

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  • Aligning views and goals

Many pay a blind eye to this, but having compatible goals, beliefs and values with your partner eases your life in the relationship. It makes both of you sync in terms of life aspirations, in the present and the future.

Essentially, it is important to focus on the good aspects of your relationship and enjoy the moments that give you peace. There is no point in looking for a red flag in a place where the grass couldn’t be greener. Besides, the grass is not greener on the other side, rather it is green where it is watered.

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