Youngsters Setting a New Health Trend in Alcohol Dependent Society


For some gen-Z and millennials, having figured out what role alcohol plays in their life, whether additive or subtractive have mastered a new health trend to ‘Not Drink’ in a Culture Obsessed with Alcohol.

 This youngsters seem to have formed a wall against the marketing trick and a slight of pop culture that insinuates having fun to be revolving around alcohol, bars or parties.

The wake of the pandemic have been the chalk up of alcohol addiction, even so, others have plumped for a different trajectory, making a fresh pair of choices like normalizing of sobriety.

Youngsters set a new Health Trend in Alcohol Consumption.

Stabilizing sobriety in an alcohol-dependent society requires a leap in faith and extreme devotion, especially when one is opposed to a trillion-dollar alcohol industry pumping out advertisements and romancing about a judgement impairing experience as the best way to live life.

Zenith’s Business Intelligence prediction for Alcohol: expects alcohol advertising to fall into line with the broader market, experiencing between 4% and 5% annual growth in both 2022 and 2023.

Study has it that Marketing budgets for alcohol brands are expected to rise to $7.7 billion this year (2023), as the industry is placing renewed importance on digital ads on social media where younger consumers tend to hang out.

When the young people are shown through popular culture that the best way to cope with existential dread is with a drink in your hand, it encourages the consumption of alcohol keeping the rates up.

However, experiencing collective trauma is also a sure way to inspire change, and the younger generations are marching in the frontline for the battle.

A rise in individual questioning about the surge in alcohol consumption has aroused a broader cultural debate, mostly by young consumers on why alcohol pervades their social lives, weighing out the pros and cons.

Terms like ‘sober curious’, ‘Cali sober’, and ‘mindful drinking’ is growing popular among the young people, so much in a way the alcohol industry wants to cash in their liquor-less future.

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Some studies found millennials drink less than other age groups, while another heavily-cited report concluded Gen Z drank 20 percent less than millennials.

Youngsters set a new Health Trend in Alcohol Consumption.

Mocktail bars, nonalcoholic wine and beverage stores are opening in cities across the globe, placing big bets on shifting attitudes toward booze.

“Alcohol is a classic example of a poor coping behavior, and there’s been a lot that people have had to cope with,” David Jernigan, a professor at Boston University’s School of Public Health.

Trend predictors have attributed growing sobriety to the greater wellness movement, yet some young people have simply said they’re tired of drinking so much or have even opted for cannabis and psychedelics instead

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