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Chinese-Built Road Transforms Rural Fishing in Western Uganda

The Chinese-built road leading to Uganda’s Western towns has transformed rural fishing in Lake Albert as well as the tourism sector in the region.

People living in rural villages in the region are utilizing a highway viewed by Chinese firms, which they say has improved their quality of life.


With mountains on one side and Lake Albert on the other, Buhuka town is home to around 40,000 people with fishing as their main livelihood.

In 2015 Chinese oil giant China National Offshore Oil Corporation build a role to facilitate its exploration of King Fisher Oil firm.

Chinese-built highway
PHOTO/COURTESY:The Chinese-built highway heading to Western Uganda region.

Residents leaving in the nearby village. Meanwhile are using the road for safer and faster travel. Things like education are also made easier with the construction of the 20 million US dollar road.

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“We did not have a business because we could put our things on blockers there was no motorcycle, even a bicycle. Why will you ride?  and where will you pass with it?”, Said a female resident of Buhuka town.

Fishing activities offshore Lake Albert
PHOTO/COURTESY: Fishing activities offshores Lake Albert Western Uganda.

“Other students have also acquired an education because they would move and get proper education somewhere else in good schools”, a Male resident of Buhuku town added.

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