Amazing Benefits of Eating Cabbage you don’t know about


When cabbage is the subject of numerous jokes, especially during the January season, there are so many benefits to this vegetable not many know of.

Cabbage is one vegetable many people dislike. So many stereotypes surround this innocent plant, like its association with poverty, or Njaanuary (January) dry spell, you name it.  However, there are some incredible benefits to incorporating this nutritious veggie into your diet.

Here are some:

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Cabbage health benefits not many are aware of
  • Reducing the rate of inflammation (Anti-Inflammatory)

Inflammation or constant swelling of the body is brought by a variety of diseases like heart disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, and arthritis. Cabbage is known to contain antioxidants that reduce chronic inflammation.

  • Improving digestion

Cabbage is rich in gut-friendly insoluble fiber that helps in adding bulk to the stool and improving digestion. The fiber in cabbage also has beneficial bacteria that keep your digestive system healthy.

  • Lowers blood pressure

At least one billion people in the world suffer from high blood pressure. While doctors advise that blood pressure patients reduce their intake of salt, adding potassium to your diet also helps a ton. This is where red cabbage comes in. This veggie has exponential potassium levels that help to excrete sodium levels in the urine, thus reducing blood pressure.

Cabbage contains nutrients that help reduce the risk of high blood pressure

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  • Helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the body

Cholesterol is not all bad, since it helps with the proper functioning of the body. However, excessively high cholesterol could potentially cause heart disease. The soluble fibers and plant sterols in cabbage absorb cholesterol in the digestive tract, keeping your body free and the healthiest it has ever been.

  • Cabbage is rich in vitamin C

This vegetable contains a high amount of vitamin C that helps to boost collagen levels in the body, as well as boost the overall immune system.

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  • Helps in losing weight

One thing about losing weight is that you need to regulate the intake of calories. Well, cabbage contains 34 calories only. Adding this vegetable to your diet is a great way to manage your weight.

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