A group of Chinese Scientists has for the first time identifies a gene in wild Maize corn, which could one day be helpful in increasing the crop’s protein.
According to the findings published last week in the Journal Nature, the gene can increase the amount of protein in wild maze seeds to around 30 percent, which is three times the protein content found in most modern corn.
More than 70 percent of the world’s maze is used for animal feed, but because of its low protein content, it’s often necessary to use soybeans as a supplement.
China is the world’s largest soybean importer. It took in nearly 100 million tons of the pulse last year. So in this way, cloning high-protein corn could one day help improve the country’s food security.

“We introduced the gene to the cultivated maze and found it can prove the maze protein content from 8-14 percent Every one percentage point increase in the protein content of the maze conceived more than 7 million tons of soybean imports every year”, the Chinese Scientists said in a statement.
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Additionally, the new corn gene is Eco-friendlier to produce as it requires less.

“The gene can also improve the assimilation efficiency of nitrogen and thus reduce the usage of fertilizer. It is of great significance to environmental protection”, the Scientists added.

The Chinese Research team has been carrying out Large-Scale field trials in a high non-province in the South, where they are introducing the gene from a wild Maize to Planted, Cultivated Corn strains.