After receiving criticism for allegedly abandoning his father, Tanzanian artist Ommy Dimpoz took to the public to defend his decision not to provide financial support.

In an interview with Tanzanian media, Dimpoz’s father who is a tuk-tuk driver described how, despite his son’s lavish lifestyle, he struggles to make ends meet.
After receiving criticism, the “Nai Nai” hitmaker eventually made the decision to go into great depth about why he chose to ignore his biological father.
In a video posted online, the Bongo singer disclosed that his father is an irresponsible parent. He described how his father had been unkind to him since the day he was born.
Dimpoz said his mother passed away while he was still in primary school and that she was the one who raised him since he was young.
“Kitu ambacho nimeweza kukiona ambayo watu wengi twatakiwa tujifunze kwa waliobahatika kuwa wazazi miaka hii ambaya kuna mitendao na ambao wanatarajia kuwa wazazi, ni kwamba hakuna kitu bora utamtendea mtoto kama utamwonyesha mapenzi kwamba unamjali unamcare ata kama huna kitu.
Hicho ndo kitu pekee katika maisha yangu mimi naweza kusema nilikikosa. Kwa sababu nililelewa katika mazingira ambayo namuona mama tu tangia nimezaliwa mbaka nakua na kwa bahati mbaya mamangu akafariki wakati bado nko primary school,” he said.
The Bongo singer criticized the fact that his father didn’t even bother to show up for his mother’s funeral or to offer him any solace.
“Katika msiba wa mamangu baba sikumuona, hakunitafuta ata kunipa pole. Unajua ni mtu ambaye alikimbia majukumu moja kwa moja.”
The Bongo musician says that his absentee father decided to ignore him from the start because he was an illegitimate child.
He said his father raised his 15 other children with great care, but purposefully decided to ignore him since he had an extramarital relationship with his late mother.
“Lakini mwenyezi Mungu siku zote ndo anajua siri kubwa ya maisha, yule mtoto ambaye alikua hadhaminiwi na hana dhamani akaja kuwa mtu fulani.
Ndo sasa hivi kinachoendelea na kilichotokea. Babangu kwenye familia yake yeye ana watoto zaidi ya kumi na tano ambao hao walilelewa na yeye kwa sababu mimi nlikua mtoto wa nje ya ndoa lakini sasa hivi baba anataka anataka atambulike ni baba Ommy Dimpoz, hataki kuskia chochote yeye. Yeye anachotaka ni ‘mimi ni babake Ommy Dimpoz’.”
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The last time Dimpoz saw his father in person was about 20 years ago, and he has never had a close relationship with him.
Even though he was still trying to survive, the Bongo singer insisted that he would only assist those who were present.
He continued by saying that even though he has no love for his father, he still respects him.