Instagram influencer Natalie Tewa refuted accusations that a politician is paying for her lifestyle, saying that many of the rumors surrounding her are untrue.

Tewa clarified that people enjoy maligning her in her response to a curious fan on her YouTube channel.
“Are you funded by a politician?” asked her fan, to which Tewa responded by saying;
“No and no, people huniwekelea vitu sana.”
In response to the claims that have been making the rounds on the internet, Tewa was forced to explain how she is able to support her lifestyle, claiming that she quit her job to pursue the thing she loved doing the most and was getting paid more than her previous job.
The content creator once stated that she initially created her YouTube channel as a joke while still enrolled in school.
However, as time went on, she slowly grew her subscriber base, which inspired her to take her channel more seriously.
The Influencer currently has over 106K subscribers on her YouTube channel.
One of Tewa’s many rumors was her allegedly dating a well-known coastal politician after her travel documents went viral.
Tewa was forced to withdraw from social media for a year because it was assumed by netizens that she was on vacation with the aforementioned politician.
She was also said to be pregnant due to the recent posts she posted about baby products.
“There was a point where people said I was pregnant, think twice if you believed that story. I was just a victim of blogs. It comes from the fact that my friend has a baby shop and I posted it a few times,”
When asked why she stopped using social media, Natalie told a local publication that she did so because there was too much hate on there.
“I was tired of social media, I am a private person and I like my things being under-waters. When people were too much in my life, I quit social media and ventured into other things,” she said.
She claimed that although she was putting her life on public for her fans in the hopes that they would support her, the criticism was not worth jeopardizing her mental health.
“It was not worth it. But because of my passion, I am back and the reception is higher. I think people are just keen to know what is going on in my world and so on,” she said, adding that her fans have told her to do more in her day-to-day life.
“I am still not ready to open up too much to them,” she said.