How to avoid a hangover

headache hangover

The lengthy list of hangover symptoms that frequently follow a night of excessive drinking is something that many of us are all too acquainted with, from throbbing headaches to stomach pain, exhaustion and irritability.

Only a small number of rumored hangover remedies are supported by science, like sipping a glass of pickle juice and massaging a lemon under your armpit before drinking.

Fortunately, there are a number of techniques to treat hangover symptoms as well as avoid or reduce them.

Refrain from drinking congeners
Sugars are transformed into ethanol, also known as alcohol, and carbon dioxide through the process of ethanol fermentation.
According to several research, ingesting congener-rich beverages may make hangovers more common and more severe. Congeners could also impede the way alcohol is metabolized, which would make make your symptoms last longer.

Stay hydrated
There are several ways that drinking alcohol can cause dehydration. Alcohol has a diuretic impact, which means that it makes you produce more urine. This could result in your body losing fluids and electrolytes that it needs to function properly.

Stay hydrated throughout the day/ Shutterstock.

Drinking too much alcohol can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Choosing alcoholic beverages low in congeners may help to increase the rate at which alcohol is metabolized and as a result, lessen the frequency and severity of hangovers.
Stay hydrated throughout the following day by drinking water whenever you feel thirsty.

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Get plenty of sleep
While sleep deprivation doesn’t cause hangovers, it can exacerbate them. Lack of sleep can exacerbate symptoms like exhaustion, headaches and irritability.

hangover sleep

A restful night’s sleep and giving your body time to heal could lessen your symptoms and make a hangover more tolerable.

Eat a good breakfast
Drinking too much alcohol can disrupt your body’s chemical balance and cause metabolic acidosis which is characterized by elevated blood acidity levels. Common symptoms include tiredness, nausea, and vomiting.

A good breakfast is the cure for a hangover/ Shutterstock.

A hearty breakfast is among the finest cures for a hangover. By eating a healthy breakfast, you can control your blood sugar levels.
Keeping correct blood sugar levels helps prevent the blood from becoming too acidic, according to several research.

Take tea or coffee
Although caffeine doesn’t appear to have unique anti-hangover properties, it may aid with the grogginess because it is a stimulant.

Take an analgesic, but avoid Tylenol
The headache and general aches and pains may be relieved by aspirin, ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal anti-flammatory medicines.
Take no acetaminophen (Tylenol). Alcohol may intensify the liver-damaging effects of acetaminophen if it is still present in your system.

Zinc and vitamins B
A recent study analyzed the diets for 24 hours prior to and following excessive drinking in the journal of Clinical Medicine.
The outcomes of the little study were based on the participants’ reports of their diets. However, they did discover that those with less severe hangovers consumed more foods and beverages high in zinc and vitamins B.

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