United Nations (UN) applauds the African Court on Human and People’s Rights ruling for its historic decision against the Kenyan government in favour of the Ogiek community.
The UN human rights pundit expressed approval of the African Court on Human and People’s Rights ruling on 18th July, for compensation of the Ogiek indigenous people, for the terror they suffered at the hands of the Kenyan government due to injustices and discrimination.
This eventful ruling comes after the court issued a historic judgement on May 26, 2017. Finding that the government of Kenya is guilty of having violated the Ogiek community’s right to live, own property, natural resources, growth, religion, and culture. According to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights.
The ACHPR instructed the government of Kenya to recompense the Ogiek community for material prejudice, loss of property and natural resources.

The government was later ordered to pay Ksh.100 million for moral pre-judgement suffered by the Ogiek people, termed as violations of the right to non-discrimination, religion, culture and development, as stated by UN human rights office.
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The court made a statement that the government was also commanded to offer non-monetary compensations, such as restoration of Ogiek’s ancestral lands and gaining full identification as an indigenous community in Kenya.
The Kenyan government was also ordered to fix the boundary, separation and titling in order to protect Ogiek property rights relating to residential purpose, and enjoyment of the Mau Forest and its resources.
The Kenyan government has been instructed to follow important administrative and legislative actions to, identify, respect and protect the Ogiek rights to be involved in the development, conservation, and investment in projects taking place in their original lands.
“The ruling and award of compensation mark another important step in the struggle of the Ogiek for recognition and protection of their rights to ancestral land in the Mau Forest and implementation of the 2017 judgement of the African Court”. Francisco Calí Tzay, the independent UN rights expert, stated.
“I welcome this unprecedented ruling for reparations and acknowledge that the decision sends a strong signal for the protection of the land and cultural rights of the Ogiek in Kenya, and for indigenous peoples’ rights in Africa and around the world,” he added. Cal Tzay’s well-established mandate in the engagement of the promotion and protection of Ogiek people’s rights attested to the Court in the historic case.
The UN Special reporter on the rights of indigenous peoples took a stance to summoned the Kenyan government to respect the Court’s decision and take action by enabling the implementation of the ruling passed.