The CRAFT Project will be participating in the #RoadMapToCOP27 Africa and Climate Change Forum. The dialogue will revolve around the urgent response of addressing the impacts of Climate Change in Africa, ahead of the 27th session of the Conference of Parties (COP27).

Climate Resilient Agribusiness For Tomorrow (CRAFT) is a five-year program that promotes climate-smart agriculture to transform and reorient agricultural systems in response to the new realities of climate change. In Kenya, CRAFT works with smallholder farmers, particularly those vulnerable to the effects of climate change, and facilitates collaboration between private and public sector partners, to create an enabling environment for widespread adoption of climate-smart agriculture practices and technologies.

CRAFT Kenya has co-invested and assisted in building up 14 business cases and financing solutions necessary for the wide-scale adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices in selected crop-specific value chains. These business cases have a targeted outreach of 83,600 smallholder farmers.
The CRAFT project is supporting access to productive use of Renewable Energy (RE) technologies; Energy Efficient (EE) appliances; and CSA practices that will in turn support the improvement of agricultural productivity and build the resilience of smallholder farmers and agribusinesses. These interventions have been integrated from production to storage/processing level. RE and EE technologies also help in building resilience in terms of reduced cost of energy, improved quality, reliability, efficiency and quality.

Furthermore, various agribusiness SMEs and cooperatives still operate informally on ad hoc relationships, lacking forward and backward market linkages and climate change perspectives. This results in unsustainable market systems which are further reinforced by low levels of transformation due to low public and private investments, limited access to financial services, and limited availability of extension services to farmers.
To address these constraints, CRAFT through its Climate Innovation Investment Fund (CIIF) supports the expansion and diversification of market opportunities for selected food value chains by enhancing incentives for the private sector to undertake long-term investments in the value chains. Read more on CRAFT’s climate financing through the CIIF here: CRAFT co-investment catalyses millions in private sector finance | SNV
Interested in learning more about how the CRAFT project is leveraging private sector investments for climate change adaptation and resilience? Would you like to build your capacity in facilitating knowledge and technology transfer on climate adaptation and resilience? Engage with us more on our knowledge and learning online portal: Climate Resilient Agribusiness for Tomorrow (CRAFT) | SNV