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Ways of giving hope to job hunters

Job searching these days is tedious. The constant sending of applications and going for interviews is not easy. This especially if there is no positive feedback or no feedbacks at all.

The challenges that come with this process are not easy. Now with the new generation the Gen Z who are in the process of searching for employment. Some of them are now involving themselves into digital spaces as forms of self employment. This after knowing their niche therefore, becoming successful.

Ways of giving hope to job hunters.

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However, there are also some who have not yet managed to get their niche. This has led to increase the rate of unemployment.  Therefore, leading to some giving up. This case has been seen lately on the social media platforms. For instance when a Kenyan youth was seen burning his certificates. According to the video taken, the young lad claimed that the reason was because of unemployment.

Burning one’s papers is not a solution. But this shows how serious this matter is. This discussion of unemployment should be addressed. The county governments should ensure that their should be various forms of employment.

Ways of giving hope to job hunters.

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This could be in terms of holding cleaning activities around the city, once or twice a month for youths and the unemployed and paying them. This initiative may be better especially if they also offer them with ideas to start self employment with the money they get.

Another way is through ensuring the youth get the chance to enter into public spaces in big positions. This will increase creativity and innovation in these public spaces that may end up creating more employment opportunities.

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