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Japanese Dad Claims to Have Slept 30 Minutes a Day for the Last 12 Years


Is it possible to have a longer life expectancy while only sleeping 30 minutes a day? For most of us, that seems absurd if not some kind of punishment — like trying to run a marathon with half a glass of water for breakfast.

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But one Japanese man, Daisuke Hori, has been doing it for over a decade, and he claims it’s the secret to doubling his life expectancy.

The 40-year-old Japanese father and bodybuilder, claims he’s ‘mastered’ the art of sleeping less without the usual side effects.

According to Hori, he’s been operating on just 30-45 minutes of sleep a night for the last 12 years and is what is responsible for his ultra-fit body.

Hori recently participating in the “Best Body Japan” contest.

So, how does this guy manage to get away with so little sleep, and is it something you should try?

Before we get to the juicy stuff, let’s lay down some basic science. Sleep isn’t just a time to shut your eyes and drift off into dreamland. 

It’s when your body recovers, repairs, and recharges for the next day. If you cut down on it, things can go haywire pretty quickly.

Experts recommend that adults should aim for seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Fall below that, and you risk a host of issues—weight gain, heart disease, depression, and in extreme cases, it can even kill you. 

So, Hori’s claim of living the life of his dreams on just 30 minutes a day is raising a lot of eyebrows.

Why would anyone do this to themselves? Hori isn’t just aiming for the “most tired guy” award; he’s striving to maximize every minute of his life by pushing himself to the limit.

He says the idea is to maximize the number of active hours in his day. More time awake means more time to hustle hard, exercise, and enjoy life—or so he says.

How Does Hori Manage With So Little Sleep and No Jaba?

Most of us would collapse without six hours of sleep let alone 30 minutes of sleep, but Hori claims he’s trained his body and mind to handle it. 

His secret? A combination of physical activity and caffeine. Apparently, as long as he keeps his body moving and drinks coffee right before meals, he’s able to stave off the drowsiness.

Hori 30 minutes of sleep
Hori lives in the Hyogo prefecture northwest of Osaka. @hori.gahaku/Instagram

It sounds like the life of a hardcore insomniac, but Hori not only insists it works for him but actually advocates for it.

In fact, he founded the Japan Short Sleepers Training Association in 2016, where he teaches others how to cut their sleep down to the bare minimum.

What Experts Say About Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation can mess with your brain, your body, and your mood.

It’s even considered a form of torture under the Geneva Convention. So, while Hori and his crew might claim they’re doing fine, the long-term effects could be a different story.

Hori showing off his physique. He is a 30-minute man. (No Sleep)

In today’s harsh economy, where everyone’s hustling to stay afloat, rest often gets sacrificed for productivity. The question is, can we really afford to cut down on sleep in the long run?

Sleep is crucial for mental clarity, emotional balance, and overall health.

Cutting it short could lead to more problems down the road, from burnout to serious health issues.

While Hori’s ability to function on so little sleep is impressive, it’s probably not a lifestyle most of us can or should try.

Sleep is vital for our health, and sacrificing it in the name of productivity could be a recipe for disaster!

So let’s leave it to experts like Hori and your friendly neighbourhood jaba master.

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