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Comprehensive Guide to Traffic Offenses and Fines in Kenya

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Navigating the roads in Kenya requires adherence to various traffic laws, governed by the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA). To ensure road safety and order, the NTSA has outlined specific traffic offenses, each accompanied by a corresponding fine. Below is a detailed breakdown of these offenses and their respective penalties.

1. Learner Driver Offenses

– Rule 12(1)(b): Learner driving without “L” plates on the front and rear of the vehicle. 

  Fine: Kshs 1,000.

2. Public Service Vehicle (PSV) Offenses

– Rule 130C(1) and (3): Driving a PSV without being the designated driver. 

  Fine: Kshs 5,000.

– Rule 22A(1) and (2): Failure by the owner to equip the vehicle with seat belts. 

  Fine: Kshs 1,000 per seat.

– Rule 22A(5) and (6): PSV conductor’s failure to maintain seat belts in a clean and wearable condition. 

  Fine: Kshs 500.

– Rule 54A: Operating a PSV with tinted windows or windscreen. 

  Fine: Kshs 2,000.

– Section 103A(1) and (7): Failure of a PSV driver or conductor to wear a special badge and uniform. 

  Fine: Kshs 2,000.

– Section 130C(1) and (3): Allowing an unauthorized person to drive a PSV. 

  Fine: Kshs 5,000.

– Section 98(1) and 104: Employing an unlicensed PSV driver or conductor. 

  Fine: Kshs 10,000.

 3. Vehicle Equipment Offenses

– Rule 25: Failing to carry warning signs (lifesavers) in the vehicle. 

  Fine: Kshs 2,000.

– Rule 41A: Failure to install the prescribed speed governor in PSVs and commercial vehicles. 

  Fine: Kshs 10,000.

– Rule 56(1), (2): Failing to carry functional fire extinguishers and first aid kits in a PSV. 

  Fine: Kshs 2,000.

 4. Speeding Offenses

– Section 42(1): Exceeding speed limits as prescribed for different classes of vehicles:

  – 1-5 kph over: Kshs 500.

  – 6-10 kph over: Kshs 3,000.

  – 11-15 kph over: Kshs 6,000.

  – 16-20 kph over: Kshs 10,000.

 5. Driver Conduct Offenses

– Rule 59A(1): Using a mobile phone while driving. 

  Fine: Kshs 2,000.

– Section 36(1) and (3): Failing to carry and produce a driving license on demand. 

  Fine: Kshs 1,000.

– Section 30(1) and (7): Driving without a valid driving license endorsement for the specific vehicle class. 

  Fine: Kshs 7,000.

– Section 30(4) and 41: Failure to renew a driving license. 

  Fine: Kshs 1,000.

– Section 33(c) and 41: Driving a PSV while unqualified. 

  Fine: Kshs 7,000.

– Section 16(2) and 17A(3): Operating a vehicle without a valid inspection certificate. 

  Fine: Kshs 10,000.

 6. Seat Belt Offenses

– Section 22A(3) and (4): Failure to wear a seat belt while the vehicle is in motion. 

  Fine: Kshs 500.

 7. Road Usage Offenses

– Section 45A(1) and (2): Driving on or through a pavement or pedestrian walkway. 

  Fine: Kshs 5,000.

– Section 52(1)(a) and 52(2): Disobeying directions from a police officer in uniform. 

  Fine: Kshs 3,000.

– Section 53(1) and 67: Causing obstruction by leaving a vehicle in a position that inconveniences others. 

  Fine: Kshs 10,000.

– Section 53(3) and (4): Failing to display reflective triangles or lifesavers during a breakdown. 

  Fine: Kshs 3,000.

– Section 90(2)(a) and 94: Driving a vehicle on a footpath. 

  Fine: Kshs 5,000.

 8. Passenger and Pedestrian Offenses

– Rule 65(f) and 72: Picking up or dropping off passengers at unauthorized stops (matatu and omnibus). 

  Fine: Kshs 3,000.

– Rule 68(1)(x) and 72: A passenger alighting or boarding at an unauthorized location. 

  Fine: Kshs 1,000.

– Section 101(2): A conductor failing to refund fare for an incomplete journey. 

  Fine: Kshs 5,000.

– Section 103(1) and (2): Engaging in touting. 

  Fine: Kshs 3,000.

– Section 103B(1) and (7): Motorcycle rider or passenger not wearing protective gear. 

  Fine: Kshs 1,000.

– Section 90(2)(c) and 94: Pedestrians obstructing the free passage of vehicles. 

  Fine: Kshs 500.

– Section 60(1) and 60(2): Motorcycle rider carrying more than one pillion passenger. 

  Fine: Kshs 1,000.

 9. Identification Offenses

– Section 12(1) and 14 Rule 7: Driving without identification plates or plates not fixed correctly. 

  Fine: Kshs 10,000.

 10. Miscellaneous Offenses

– Section 52(1)(c) and (2): Failure to stop when required by a police officer in uniform. 

  Fine: Kshs 5,000.

– Section 98(1) and 104: Unlicensed individuals driving or acting as the conductor of a PSV. 

  Fine: Kshs 5,000.

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