Uganda Navigates Climate Challenges with Resilient Coffee Cultivation

Uganda resilient amid climate change

Uganda, a renowned  player in the global coffee market, is taking measures to strengthen its position in the face of changing weather patterns and climate uncertainties. Researchers in the country are working on developing improved coffee varieties and resilient rootstock to ensure reliable production in challenging environments.

Increasing drought frequency, linked to climate change, has become a significant issue for coffee production, not only in Uganda but globally. Despite the use of various agricultural practices like weeding, manure application, and fertilizers, irregular rainfall leads to substantial crop losses.

To address these challenges, Ugandan researchers are focused on breeding coffee varieties that can withstand arid conditions. These strains aim to deliver consistent yields even in adverse weather.

‘’But once drought hits… They go back to square one, they lose everything. So, we are working towards having a variety that is resilient, a variety that is resilient to drought,’’ said one of the researchers.

Uganda’s coffee industry is a vital part of the country’s economy. The introduction of these new coffee varieties could significantly increase yields, potentially adding up to three tons per hectare compared to traditional varieties.

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Uganda is investing in agro-processing to enhance the value of coffee production. The practice of “stumping,” which involves cutting aging coffee trees to stimulate new growth, is gaining popularity to rejuvenate declining coffee plants and boost productivity.

The country’s proactive approach to address climate change challenges in the coffee industry is strategic. By focusing on resilient coffee varieties, the country aims to maintain its role in the global coffee market and ensure long-term sustainability and profitability.

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‘’The old unproductive, unproductive coffee trees, if you cut them or stamp them, they can grow back. Actually, majority of the coffee trees in the country, uh, require stamping, which could again multiply. If for example, you are talking about 2 million bags. If you stamped the coffee. You would realize double,’’ said a researcher.

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