Girl Math: The Social Media Joke That Went Too Far

Girl math

The “girl math” craze started as a lighthearted way for women to make fun of themselves, and it has become extremely popular on social media in recent weeks.

The trend has seen women joking around about their internal calculations that they use to justify their foolish, but occasionally not-so-silly behavior. It’s less “math” and more like, say, a frequently muddled but always entertaining internal feminine logic.

Willingham writes in an article for CNN that the short lifespan of social media inside jokes makes them problematic. They become inflated commentary on society as a whole when someone takes them too seriously, and when a media outlet writes about them, everything is destroyed. That is what happened to the girl math trend.

Read Also: Diana Marua’s Message To Her Maths Teacher

Girl math is packing a minimum of 14 pairs of underwear for a 7 day trip.

@Leomie_Anderson on X

When the girl math trend gained traction on social media, the joke was taken out of context by some social media users and they immediately started poking fun at the girls. One social media user wrote; Girl math is going on vacation with 8 friends and coming back with 3. This, they used to refer to the assumptions that have always been made that girl friendships always unravel on vacation.

After Girl Math went viral, attempts were made to popularize “Boy Math” by making jokes about how frugal males are thought to be. However, the meme didn’t really take off until September, by which time the premise had shifted.

Girl math trend
Girl Math: The Social Media Joke That Went Too Far. Photo: COURTESY

One social media user wrote; Boy math is wanting a traditional woman who pays bills. Another wrote; Boy math is being afraid of gold diggers when you only have 3 pairs of socks to your name. The women who were using the girl math trend to poke fun at themselves now came out all guns blazing and throwing jabs at the men through the boy math trend.

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The apparent disparities between men and women appear to be a subject that never gets old, providing an endless supply of one-liners and witticisms. 

With the exception of the more serious remarks, the meme has largely been a playful roast between the sexes that doesn’t incite much hostility, but the sparring has still been celebrated as a win for women. Many commenters pointed out that the fact that both memes were popularized by women was key in dispelling the myth that women aren’t funny.

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