Principle Magistrate Jackie Kibosia in a shocking statement to religious leaders narrated a case of a four-month baby, the youngest addict she had dealt with in Kenya.
This case was narrated during the inaugural training of religious leaders in Kenya to fight the scourge of HIV/Aids, alcohol and drug abuse took place on Today at the Bomas of Kenya under the office of the spouse of the Deputy President (OSDP).
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Through a partnership of the OSDP and the National Syndemic Diseases Control Council (NSDCC), 1000 religious leaders from across faiths were taken through the training that involved officers and experts from NSDCC, NACADA, NASCOP, judiciary, police service, and the Kenya Prison Service.
![Moments at the Training held at the Bomas of Kenya. [Photos/OSDP] Baby](
In her work in the courts, a four-month old baby had become addicted to Smirnoff and was before her following a case of child neglect by the mother.
The mother who worked as a prostitute said she had no alternative but to give the baby Smirnoff at 6.00pm, so she could sleep throughout the night as the mother went to work.
“The baby could not stay sober. When the baby was rescued, the baby was already addicted,” said Magistrate Kibosia.
The magistrate urged the religious leaders to be strong on prevention rather than response when the crisis hits families and communities.
The magistrate also urged the religious leaders to become members of the Court Users Committee (CUC) to give solutions, and collaborate with the country’s justice system.
The spouse of the Deputy President, Pastor Dorcas Rigathi joined the training and called on mothers of drug barons to urge their children to stop the killer trade.
“I am speaking to every mother; every drug baron is the son of somebody. If we can speak to the big boys (drug barons), then they can stop killing our young boys. We do not want to bury our children,” said Pastor Dorcas.
![Moments at the Training held at the Bomas of Kenya. [Photos/OSDP] Shocking](
CEO NSDCC, Dr. Ruth Laibon-Masha and NASCOP, Dr. Jebet Boit The religious leaders were informed about relapse prevention, and after care post-rehabilitation, including community involvement and different therapies used that include pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, biological component and counselling.
“We have to take a social responsibility for the boy child, or otherwise we will have a crisis. The country is already using Sh1billion for methadol,” said CEO NSDCC, Dr. Ruth Laibon-Masha.
And, Dr. Jebet Boit added that over 90 per cent of those using the methadol were boys and men.
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A Representative from the Kenya Prisons Service, Rev. Dr. Peter Wambugu challenged the religious leaders to become more involved in the rehabilitation of the convicts and also reintegrating them into society.
“Research has shown that only 23 percent of religious leaders have made an impact in matters of rehabilitation of prisoners.”
“We call upon your attention, concern and compassion towards these categories of boys and men in our correctional facilities. We have 58,528 males and 3123 females in our correctional facilities today,” said Rev. Wambugu.
Throughout the training, there was a continued call to decriminalize drug addiction and criminalise drug cartels.
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