Reasons Why Some Brands are Choosing Micro- influencers

Micro-influencers have become recognized for their ability to bring about meaningful changes in a subtle yet important manner, affecting individuals or entities indirectly.

Reasons Why  Some Brands Are Choosing Micro- influencers.
Photo/Courtesy. Micro-influencers.

A micro-influencer is a person who has between 1,000 and 100,000 social media followers and uses their social media presence to promote products relevant to their interests or expertise.

Lately, most people have joined online platforms with each individual having a different aim. Some individuals join as groups others companies or organizations and others as content creators.

Influencers with massive followers are called major influencers and they presume to be more benefitial compared to those with less followers. In oppositon to this, there are brands that prefer the micro influencers. This is brought about by a number of reasons.

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Lower cost.

Micro influencers are affordable unlike mainstream influencers and celebrities, they do not have hundreds of thousands of followers. As a result, they’re more likely to charge less for their services. 

According to an article written by Built In, celebrities might be able to reach far more followers. However, many of these followers may not be interested in a particular product or topic.

Therefore, micro-influencers give brands access to more targeted audiences who share common interests or passions, enabling marketing teams to get more bang for their buck.   

Their content is more relatable

A micro-influencer’s connection with their audience is valuable to brands, but so is the content they create.

Reasons Why  Some Brands Are Choosing Micro- influencers.
Photo/Courtesy. iamdavinas instagram.

The explosive success of platforms like Tiktok has shown brands that are user-generated content, probably bring more impact on viewers than polished content styled and shot by professionals.

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They have increased engagements

Micro-influencers may have more frequent and genuine interactions with their audiences because those followers are largely friends or acquaintances. Or maybe they all share a niche interest.

Therefore, their followers may engage with them more.

They think outside the box

This is because most of them want to grow their number of followers and also keep them. They tend to bring new ideas that are fun and engaging to their audience causing attraction from corporate organizations that may use them because of their increase in creativity.

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