It seems all that content creator, Brian Chira needed was some words of wisdom from a six-year-old content creator. Kenyan comedian, Junior shared a video where he was seen giving Brian Chira some words of advice due to his recent misdemeanor.
In the video, Junior is seen introducing himself before he turns the attention to Chira who was sitting beside him. Junior pointed out that content creators can use their platforms for the greater good and should always use the opportunity they have to reach a large mass, to share respectful content.
“Watu wangu si manjua mimi ni Junior comedian. Nimekuja kutafuta Chira. Unajua unaeza fanya content mzuri bila kutusi watu. Na uwache ujinga.” The young Comedian said.
Brian Chira was clearly taken aback by Junior’s statement but responded positively to his remarks. Brain promised that he would produce better content that is not full of insults and disrespectful.
“Sawa nimekuskia, sitakudiassapoint. It is what it is.”
Brian Chira has been making Tiktok lives dedicated to hurling insults at Kenyan celebrities like Vera Sidika, Amber Ray, Oga Obinna and Jalang’o. Last month, content creator, Azziad pressed charges against Brian Chira for defaming her and sharing her personal information.

Chira was arraigned in court where he pleaded not guilty and was released on Ksh 50,000 bail. He still continued to make more controversial content before apologizing. He shared in some of his videos that he needs help and is also seeking the help. Chira was also suspended from achool after he was charged with defaming Azziad.
Read also: Brian Chira arrested for defaming Azziad.
Junior comedian on the other hand, at only six years old has become an internet sensation with over ninety thousand subscribes on YouTube and over one million followers on Tiktok. He has even had chance to work with controversial gospel artist, Embarambamba.
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