When can you get pregnant during your cycle?

Many women have this scare of being pregnant when their periods delay for even a second.

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Some get scared even without doing anything that may warrant the pregnancy. Then there are others who engage in sexual relations and are terrified of getting pregnant. Here are a few facts on pregnancies and how to keep track of your cycle.

pregnancy scare
Can I get pregnant a few days before my period?

Although possible, it is unlikely to get pregnant on the days before your period. There’s a narrow window of five to six days when a woman has a high chance of getting pregnant. These days depend on when one ovulates but usually two weeks before one’s period.


It is unlikely for one to get pregnant two days and one day before one’s menstrual cycle. This is because the ovum has already been released and gone through the fallopian tube without being fertilised. Once the ovulation process is done and fertilisation has not occurred, then even if the sperm is introduced, its shelf life is not long enough for it to be viable till the next ovulation.

Can I get pregnant during my period?

It is not impossible to get pregnant during one’s period, but highly unlikely for one to. For the sperm to reach the egg, the timing would have to be perfect for them to reach each other in time.

If you however ovulate early, then it might be possible to get pregnant if you have sex towards the end of your period. The egg and sperm could both be alive at the same time for fertilization to occur.

Am i pregnant
Can I get pregnant right after my period?

It is slightly more likely than if you have sex during your period, though still unlikely. However, if your ovulation happens earlier on, then the possibility of being pregnant is assured.

With people who have a shorter-than-average cycle, they are more likely to get pregnant right after their period. This is because their ovulation occurs more frequently.

A 28-day menstrual cycle

The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, the first day of menstruation is the first day of the cycle. Most periods last for about two to seven days. One is unlikely to get pregnant because the fertility window is still a week away when ovulation would be happening.

From day 6 to fourteen, the hormones are produced and the endometrial lining of the uterus is repaired. Pregnancy could be possible during this time since the sperm can live for up to five days inside the body, so it could be alive when ovulation starts.

Ovulation often starts on the 14th day (mid-cycle) of the cycle. On this day, pregnancy is highly likely since the ovum has been released and is ready for fertilisation.

Ovulation, however, doesn’t happen at a constant pace. It could happen anywhere between day 4 to day eighteen of your cycle. In this case, one has to find the midpoint of their cycle and from there, they’ll know when it’s highly likely to get pregnant.

Period tracker

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Many teenagers get pregnancy scares even though they have not engaged in sexual activities. Many question whether they could be the ‘Mary’ of our time and get pregnant through the Holy Spirit.

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Others don’t have sufficient information to keep them safe from getting pregnant. At a time when teenagers have become sexually active, the information is important to reduce the increased cases of teen pregnancies.

Read Also: Abstinence Is Not Enough to curb teen Pregnancy

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