The Medicine in Music Therapy

Music therapy has been known for its practical therapeutic impacts by providing an outlet for emotions. Recently, the notion of using a song, frequencies, and rhythm to help treat physical illnesses has grown and its advantages have yet to be understood.

Reduces stress and anxiety through the lyrics used in the song. One may feel a sense of validation or comfort from the lyrics used in a piece. For artists, most use music as a platform to redirect their anxious thoughts or painful feelings into words or music. Music helps one deal with anxious thoughts, to sit with them and at times determine the root cause of the thoughts themselves by how well you resonate with a certain set of lyrics.

Music Therapy
Man listening to music to brighten up their mood. PHOTO/Credits

Music gives access to sounds and expressions and can reduce depressive symptoms. Listening to one’s favourite artists or engaging in music can help one calm down and ease depressive feelings. Music can improve one’s mood, connection and self-expression. It, however, cannot offer a cure for depression but short-term solutions to dealing with depression.

It helps improve one’s heart rate further improving the quality of life in people with heart diseases. Listening to upbeat music and at times dancing to the tunes can help increase the heart rate and strengthen its muscles. Aside from that, listening to music reduces stress and anxiety, makes one smile more or feel lighter than usual. This, in the long run, keeps one from suffering tragic effects like heart failure.

Music therapy

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More benefits of music therapy

Research shows that premature babies who are exposed to music have been found to have better oxygen levels. Singing to them improves their feeding volumes as well as their oxygen saturation levels. It can also reduce emotional arousal and crying in babies improving their ability to sleep soundly.

Music helps preserve memories and can be used by people suffering from dementia. Familiar music brings back special memories and jogs the brain for event details from back then. it can also help improve cognition, activating the part that is related to emotion, speech and reasoning.

Improves general body function from the blood vessels. Music helps your arteries relax. with relaxed arteries, blood flow is smoother and hence creates improved blood circulation in the body. It reduces build-up or blockages that can resist blood flow.

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In addition to all that, music helps patients cope with treatments. It helps with the stress of living with that disease, the pain experienced from it, and even the pain caused by the treatments. Music helps cope with stress, and pain, stabilising the mood and managing certain symptoms. It also offers comfort especially when there’s a lot of uncertainty. It’s mostly used with cancer patients when undergoing chemotherapy.

Cancer patient listens to music during chemotherapy treatment.PHOTO/Credits

Music helps the brain and heart and every other part of the body perform physical functions better. At times, its benefit of reducing stress and anxiety keeps us from experiencing diverse physical illnesses or tortures later on.

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