Everything Ladies Need To Know Before They Drink Alcohol

If you are new to drinking alcohol especially as a lady, there are some rookie mistakes that some ladies keep on making that you should avoid. Being new to drinking means you are a lightweight likely to get drunk fast since your system is not used to alcohol. Depending on what type of alcohol you take, you can pass out or get drunk in a few sips and unless you are with responsible friends or family, it wouldn’t be safe to get intoxicated.

Don’t drink on an empty stomach.

For the simple reason that the alcohol will get to your blood stream faster making you drunk faster. If you are a lightweight then even the alcoholic drink with the least amount of alcohol will have effects on you quick.

Beer makes you pee.

Unlike most alcoholic drinks, beer makes you visit the washrooms often. Some say once you start excusing yourself to the washrooms, you my friend will be a constant there if you are planning to drink more beer.


Redbull is what you take when you start feeling a little tipsy to neutralize the alcohol intake you have. Well stop drinking all together would work but if the night is just getting started and youll need a drink in your hands then Redbull is the way to go.

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Cocktails are lady like.

Try ordering more cocktails in comparison to beer or hard liquor which tend to be more masculine especially if you are single and ready to mingle. The drink you have speaks volume about the kind of woman you are. Also, for most cocktails the alcohol intake is quite low depending on what type of alcohol used in the cocktail so you’d be able to stay sober longer.

Two women drinking alcohol

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