Utilising the Digital Platform to Develop and Expand Digital Products

The German Red Cross launched an innovative journey by launching a digital platform aimed at engaging with its target audience in a digital landscape.

As the years have progressed, the organization has continued to make steps in advancing this project, with a specific aim of enhancing services in the digital realm. Key factors contributing to their success include user engagement, technical maintenance, privacy, and effective communication.

To ensure a successful interaction with the digital platform, the organization implemented a series of strategic steps that ultimately helped them achieve their goals.

Utilizing the Digital Platform to Develop and Expand Digital Products.
PHOTO: A session of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

The initial step involved a thorough understanding of the problem at hand. The German Red Cross dedicated efforts to identifying the specific needs of their target groups and cultivating interest among them. Additionally, they recognized and engaged with early supporters who played a vital role in shaping the project’s direction. This initial phase emphasized comprehensive stakeholder analysis and the establishment of a network consisting of internal and external supporters.

Following the problem identification stage, the German Red Cross proceeded to define the scope of the digital product. This critical step involved identifying the essential aspects of the platform and anticipating future developments in order to stay ahead of the curve.

With a clear understanding of the problem and the product’s scope, the organization then delved into the development phase. In this step, it was crucial to outline the minimum criteria and functionalities required for the product and commence its development. By carefully following this step, the German Red Cross ensured that the solution they were creating aligned with their intended objectives.

Utilizing the Digital Platform to Develop and Expand Digital Products.
PHOTO: Discussion session. Utilizing the Digital Platform to Develop and Expand Digital Products.

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The final step involved a cautious approach to scaling. Starting small and making necessary adjustments as they progressed was key to their strategy. They established support structures, managed expectations, and secured commitment from stakeholders.

Furthermore, they fine-tuned internal structures and gradually expanded the product to a smaller group of branches. Throughout this process, the German Red Cross placed great importance on identifying its Unique Selling Point, setting them apart from other offerings in the market.

Utilizing the Digital Platform to Develop and Expand Digital Products.
PHOTO: Audience in attendance at the IFRC.

During this session, the Kenya Red Cross recognized the immense value of this approach, as it provides individuals and organizations with a roadmap for effectively developing and scaling digital products.

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