The Epic Tales Gen Z Will Pass Down to Future Generations

Gen Z

Gen Z is the current generation of youths. They are considered to be very diverse as they are mostly shaped by technology.

This generation is considered unconventional and some of the older folk complain about how they lack patience when it comes to satisfying their hunger for success.

However, despite all the negativity. It is evident that this generation will give sweeter tales in the future. Unlike our parents similar stories of how they walked more than ten kilometres to school. Not forgetting, the way they made the journey look dangerous. With rivers, hills and wild animals being the subject matter.

Read Also : Music: Gen Z and Young Millennials’ New Wave of Obsession

Gen Z will definitely tell different stories. Some of the major highlights will include:

  • COVID 19

This will definitely be one of the highlights in every household. During this period one of the main points will be how everyone became a doctor through wearing masks. Also how the continuous washing of hands made our hands feel weak. Also how people did not shake hands and stayed at home throughout the year. This will really be interesting according to how the storyteller will tell. Mkurugenzi Abel Mutua should really help in this.

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  • Emergence of Tiktok

Gen Z is the main audience on this platform. This will be one of the stories during that time. Stories on how content creation was a big deal from making TikTok challenges.

Gen Z
  • Favourite cartoons

Most people in this generation will really relate to how we used to come home early from school, with the aim to watch our favourite cartoons during those times which include: Angel’s Friends, Club Kiboko, and Know Zone among many others.

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