Shades of Discrimination : “The Dangerous Impact of Colorism on Society”

Colorism is prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of same ethnic or racial group.

As an African, colorism happens mostly because of the different shades of black people are. In this case, the shades are majorly grouped into light skinned and dark skinned people. With many people preferring those who are light skinned. This interns of work and other opportunities that is being offered.

Shades of Discrimination : "The Dangerous Impact of Colorism on Society".

In addition, this form of discrimination also affects women mostly. With a number of women being seen as the major customers of using bleaching products. This with the intention of making their skin a little bit lighter or more lighter. With this action, some may end up using products that may have chemicals that may not go well with their skin. Therefore end up with skin cancer or their skin may have patches of redness all over. This is one of the major impacts.

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Another impact may affect one mentally and emotionally. This for example to young individuals who may be told that they are not beautiful because of their skin color. This may end up affecting the individual negatively and therefore, leading to them having depression, anxiety and low self esteem. With all these affecting one, the individual may end up missing opportunities ahead in life.

Shades of Discrimination : "The Dangerous Impact of Colorism on Society".

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However, as black people it should be noted that every shade of black is beautiful. The phrase black does not crack or is beautiful should be impacted in our daily lives with pride.

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