The broadcaster by night, Randy R Dub Williams who is a late night “slow jams” DJ also known as “the Sultan of Slowjamastan” from San Diego has spent his whole life visiting countries and is left with one UN recognized country to visit.
He decided to buy an 11.07 acre of empty arid land in the California desert to build his new country that he named after his radio show. He officially declared independence from the US in December 1 2021.
One of the reasons I created Slowjamastan was because, after 193 countries, I wanted 194.
Sultan og Slowjamastan
His country claims to have 500 citizens and 4500 to be conditionally approved, waiting in line. They have their own currency that they print called the duble, issues its own passport, flies its own flag and has a national anthem that plays on occasion with its capital being Dublandia. People can apply for citizenship and even cabinet positions on the Slowjamastan website, and is currently have thousands of applications.

The Sultan of Slowjamastan has instigated some bizarre rules already like, there are no crocs allowed in the country of putting your feet on the dashboard. He mentions that the country is mostly under dictatorship. He likes to take pictures in his green sultan uniform and sunglasses and has even hired body guards to protect him and his borders.
The small plot of arid land is not much but William has put his flag,a border control post and a huge “Welcome to Slowjamastan”. William says the next step is creating diplomatic ties with other countries and even though he has left countless messages on Biden’s Facebook, Myspace and emails and has had no response, he still is going for it.
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