Mukumu Girls Secondary abrupt closure due to food poisoning

Mukumu Girls Secondary

Mukumu Girls Secondary has been closed indefinitely following the death of two girls and twenty-five students being hospitalized due to food and water poisoning.

The students started showing symptoms like fever and diarrhea. The abrupt closure of the secondary school was done to avoid other students from falling ill.

In a statement made by the western region director of education Jared Obiero, he confirmed that the contaminated food and water have left approximately five hundred students ill with bacterial infections after they consumed the food and water.

“Mukumu Girls High School has been closed indefinitely after two students died and over 500 others infected with bacteria infections after consuming intoxicated food and contaminated water,” Jared Obiero said.

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Mukumu Girls Secondary
Mukumu Girls Secondary File/COURTESY

In a statement made by the school’s principal, she confirmed that two students died and urged the public to pray for the Mukumu community. She also asked for God’s wisdom to enable them to endure this harsh time.

“Let us pray for our students and Mukumu community. If we take a child home for treatment, let us take them to hospital and monitor. We have lost two students, Wendy Oyugi Amani who passed on in Bungoma, and Miriam Namajanja, who had not resumed from half-term break, passed on this morning at their home in Navakholo. God give us grace and wisdom to go through this trying moment,” The Principal said.

The leaders have insisted that the school takes responsibility for what they have done as the students’ safety and well-being in school are to be upheld by the school administration hence the students being infected is the fault of the school’s poor administration.

The Kakamega senator Dr. Boni Khalwale believes that the school should be held accountable.

“The school stands closed. The principal, bursars, and business suppliers the school works with should all be apprehended,” Khalwale said.

However, the school principal blames the media for inciting the school’s closure saying that the media created a Toxic environment for the school.

“This is to notify you that following consultation with the Ministry of Education directors and TSC directors, it has been decided that the students break off to heal of the toxic environment already created by the media,” The school’s principal addressed the parents via a letter.

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